Test Coins or False 10-øre Pieces?

By Eva Wistoft Andersen

19. Nov. 2009

What is this? Piet van Deurs once asked some very well-informed museum people. But in the popular TV quiz as well as in reality museum professionals sometimes have to give up and pass on the question. We are asking for knowledge of the use of 33 round metal pieces. 

 Post & Tele Museum is currently receiving objects relevant to the history of post and telecommunication for our collections and we are able to describe many of them on the basis of our own knowledge or by means of information from the giver. But sometimes there are objects, the function of which we can only guess. And the guesses may be many.

Take for instance these 33 circular pieces of metal. They all have a diameter of approx. 15 mm, weigh less than ½ gram and seem to be cut out of the same enameled plate which looks like an old advertising sign. We assume that the function of the metal pieces has to do with telephone history as the pieces were found among documents and objects from the former Copenhagen Telephone Company Ltd. But what were they used for?  

Do You Know?

Our guess is that the metal pieces were either used by a linesman as test coins in telephone boxes or they were used as fake 10-øre pieces, perhaps at the time when the telephone operator had to listen for the drop of the 10-øre coin before connecting the call from a public telephone. But who knows? The metal pieces may also be innocent markers for the annual bingo. That is why we are asking - as Piet Van Deurs once did - about function, time and place.

If you can help the museum with information about the metal pieces, please send us a comment below.                        

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Snyde-tiører af Marion Giovanna Belli
Jeg kender ikke disse "mønter" men kan fortælle, at jeg som barn og ung brugte en lang metalneglefil, når jeg skulle ringe fra mønttelefonerne i min morfars restaurant. Rundingen i den ene ende passede lige ned i bunden af møntindkastet, og bare man holdt den presset ned under hele samtalen, så virkede det fint. Det var jo så heldigvis kun min morfar, jeg snød. 

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