Postal Automation through 35 Years

By Hans Gärtner

11. Oct. 2009

Sectional Engineer Hans Gärtner tells of his work with automation of the handling of letter and parcel post through 35 years. The reader gets among other things an insight in the introduction of parcel sorting and letter handling facilities in Denmark and the process of establishing and organizing the Sorting Office in Copenhagen. 

Format separating and letter handling machine in the postal hall at the Sorting Office in Copenhagen, March 1977. Post & Tele Museum. 


In 1960, on the basis of the steadily increasing amount of mail and in anticipation of the building of a new postal centre in Copenhagen, the General Directorate of Posts and Telegraphs appointed a committee to investigate the possibilities of using mechanical facilities for handling of letter and parcel post. The first results of the investigations were published in the technical periodical for engineer and building activities, Ingeniør- & Bygningsvæsen no. 24, in 1960.

On the basis of the committee's work the General Directorate of Posts and Telegraph in 1962 was certain that technical conditions would become increasingly important to the development within the postal operational service.  

The extension of the Central Post Building, Copenhagen, summer 1978.  

Consequently, according to an official letter of 24th February, it was considered appropriate to assign investigations and experiments in this field to the Telegraph Laboratory which possessed the technical organization and knowhow. Until 1967, the work was done concurrently with other tasks in the Telegraph Laboratory. During that period the work of mapping out possibilities was performed. Part of the work was passed on through the Engineer and Building Activities. In 1963, as part of the preparations for the mechanization process, a mechanical letter handling facility was purchased for testing at Aarhus General Post Office.

In 1967, the Telegraph Laboratory offered me employment conducting the new tasks. I accepted and that was the beginning of 35 exciting years with a fantastic development in this area.

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